How to setup your TT Clubs Account
To use TTClubs you need to be a registered member of Table Tennis England with at least a free "Supporter" account. This can be done from TTClubs by clicking on the Login symbol top right of the screen and then clicking on "Create Account". There are various levels of membership ranging from "Supporter" which is free to "Compete" for league players, click here to see further information.
Once you have registered it will be time to setup your membership details. The following screenshots can be completed relatively quickly and only needs to be done once.
Next you will need to complete the form as well as choosing an appropriate password. When complete click on Register.
Once your password is set, you can then login (using your email address and chosen password) to the Table Tennis England site to set up your account (remember you only need to do this process once).
You will then be presented with a Privacy Policy to consent to.
Following this you will be presented with Table Tennis England's Terms and Conditions.
Depending on the DOB that was entered during registration you may receive a Parent/Legal Guardian consent form.
You may then choose whether you want to receive a copy of the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions via email.
Following this you can setup your communication preferences with Table Tennis England (the following is only an example). Note: Your communication preference with your club can be setup in TTClubs.
Now you are at the stage where you can set your profile. Click on the card with your or your child’s name.
The only remaining thing to do is to set your "Home Address". Select "Addresses" on the following screen.
and then select "Add Home Address".
Please enter your home address. Note: The ‘County’ field needs to be populated from the Dropdown box.
Once entered you are all setup and can logout by clicking on the top right, account icon, as shown below.
You can now log on to your clubs TTClubs website with your email address and password that you set earlier and make bookings either as a non-member or member.
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